
“Connect with yourself, then others”

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could confidently walk into any room and be able to read the others so that you can better understand them, establish deeper connections, and therefore collaborate much better and more effectively?

If you want this, our coaching might be something for you.

By improving your non-verbal cues and communication skills, you can build trust, establish rapport, convey your message clearly, resolve conflicts, influence others and project a confident and professional presence.

In the past decade Anke has worked with leaders, politicians, teachers, police officers, coaches, salespeople, hairdressers, HR professionals and many other professions where understanding oneself and others is essential for successfully performing one’s work.

Her gift lies in filtering out from her broad knowledge what you specifically need. After coaching with Anke, you will never look at yourself and the people around you in the same way again.


“Seek first to understand, then to be understood”

Stephen Covey


Please note, in coaching with Anke, there is no room to blame others for the problems you are facing. Blaming others brings no change. 

Approach individuals

Free Strategy session

Book a free session so that I can provide advice on which personalized program suits you best. 


During the first appointment, we will set clear goals for the desired outcome.


We work on gaining insights, knowledge, and skills to help you achieve your goal.

Ongoing Support

You will receive personalized texts, a video, and a session logbook, as well as accountability call after 3 months.

Before I started working on my personal development with Anke as an entrepreneur, I found it challenging to find a good balance between work and personal life and to set my boundaries. Now that I have completed the program, I am more aware of my pitfalls and patterns and have gained insights that help me make the right decisions for myself.

I highly recommend a personal program with Anke because she helps you see your patterns and pitfalls in a pleasant way while providing you with tools to transform them. Anke possesses a wealth of knowledge that she gladly shares with you.

Currently, two of my colleagues are attending the “Connecting with Your Customer” course with Anke, and they speak highly of her as well. I would say, give Anke a call, have a cup of coffee together, and experience her positive vibe!

CEO, Kim & Co Interior Architecture

I have gained more respect for others and can now better assess what they do or do not need. This has had an immediate impact on my current job. I apply this knowledge on a daily basis and reap the benefits from it.

Sjoerd Reijmer | Director Global Forwarding | Overseas | Seacon Logistics

Start now

By taking the First Step

“The Key to connection”

Text or call: (502) 615-1475


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